Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Digital Citizenship

These are the questions:
  1. Do computers give us more human connections or less human connections?

  2. If you had to write 5 rules for internet ethics and manners what would they be?

  3. Do you think teachers should encourage or discourage multitasking?

  4. Write a 6 word story summarizing an experience that you've had "living" online.
My answers are:
  1. Yes, because my old friend Brian Jeong moved to Toronto on June 27, 2009. He has Face-Book so I can talk to him. This is better than a long distance call or mailing him a letter.
  2. The 5 rules we came up as a class is:
    • Don't swear
    • Don't spam (lol instead of lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol)
    • Be nice to others
    • Don't post personal identifiable information
    • Report people who are not nice
  3. Teachers should encourage multi-tasking because if you listen to music while you work, it can help get more work done, by making you more relaxed and foucsed
  4. A six word story summarizing "life online":
    I have fun playing games online.

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