Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Digital Citizenship

These are the questions:
  1. Do computers give us more human connections or less human connections?

  2. If you had to write 5 rules for internet ethics and manners what would they be?

  3. Do you think teachers should encourage or discourage multitasking?

  4. Write a 6 word story summarizing an experience that you've had "living" online.
My answers are:
  1. Yes, because my old friend Brian Jeong moved to Toronto on June 27, 2009. He has Face-Book so I can talk to him. This is better than a long distance call or mailing him a letter.
  2. The 5 rules we came up as a class is:
    • Don't swear
    • Don't spam (lol instead of lolololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol)
    • Be nice to others
    • Don't post personal identifiable information
    • Report people who are not nice
  3. Teachers should encourage multi-tasking because if you listen to music while you work, it can help get more work done, by making you more relaxed and foucsed
  4. A six word story summarizing "life online":
    I have fun playing games online.

First Post

This is my first post. My inquiry question is, "How did Technology change since the past and how will it continue to change and improve in the future?". This is important because Technology is being used more in out everyday lives.